Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Anticipated Twilight Review!!!

I must begin by explaining to you that my opinions on the movie can be taken as biased since I am absolutely and irrevocably in love with the actors and the book. * Long sentence, deep breath!*

Are you ready? I thought that the movie was an awesome introduction to the Twilight Saga. Most critiques argue that it was too slow in the begininng and that there were too many periods of awkward silence. Well, I thought that the whole ” awkward silence” projected a realistic attitude towards the knowledge that the guy Bella was crushing on was a vampire and so was his family.


I thought all the actors did a great job. Yet, Robert Pattinson NEEDS to practice how to talk like an American. There were some slip ups ( when he was talking to Rosalie in the hospital) where I could determine his british accent. Now, I understand that it must be hard for him to train his speech but if Ed Westwick could do it and Hugh Laurie could do it, then I am damn sure Robert can as well.

Many of you are also agaisnt the idea that Kristin Stewart played Isabella Swan. You need to MOVE ON. She did a very good job…probably because she has many attributes as Bella. And I don’t know why everyone wanted Amber Sabine or other nimwits to play Bella…they fail.

Anyone got the hots for Jasper Hale? Played by Jackson Rathbone..I thought he looked pretty amazing. Almost a James Franco. Oh and Ashley Greene, who played Alice Cullen did a magnificent job with her perky self. But enough with the analysis of the characters.

How hot was that kiss that Edward planted on Bella?! Except for the fact she was wearing underwear and not her “holey t-shirt” ( If you read the book, you’d know what I am speaking of.) I liked the relationship that Bella and Charlie had on-screen. I could feel how tense everything was…

I don’t want to give much away but the music, baseball game, fighting scenes were EPIC. And I DO RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE TO EVERYONE. Mostly women! This is NOT A MANLY MOVIE- unless you find yourself obsessed with Bella or Edward!

Enjoy! I sure as hell did.

Sarah Palin Turkey Incident: Does TV Interview While Turkeys Are Slaughtered In The Background (VIDEO)

Some videos you just have to see to believe. On Thursday, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin appeared in Wasilla in order to pardon a local turkey in anticipation of Thanksgiving. This proved to be a slightly absurd but ultimately unremarkable event. But what came next was positively surreal. After the pardon Palin proceeded to do an interview with a local TV station while the turkeys were being SLAUGHTERED in the background!! Seemingly oblivious to the gruesomeness going on over her shoulder, she carries on talking for over three minutes. Watch the video below to see for yourself. Be warned, it's kind of gruesome.

The Death Of MTV

It’s extremely obvious MTV has died.

After the emotional ending of TRL, I realized: There is nothing related to music on MTV anymore. The only music I see is the random songs being featured right after an episode of a reality show. MTV should consider changing its name to RWS. Reality Whore Shows. Good-bye music. So long the music revolution of this generation.

All I have is my ipod now…and myspace.

An Open Letter To Joe Lieberman

Dear Senator Lieberman,

Congratulations! You got away with it! So despite having supported and endorsed the Republican candidate for president -- and going so far as to question the patriotism of the Democratic nominee -- you've managed to keep your chairmanship. By rights, you should've been summarily ejector-seated from your committees, bonked on the head with your gavels -- cartoon-style -- and hauled from the Democratic caucus naked and on a rail whilst being pelted with wadded-up copies of your RNC address.

The aforementioned reasons for this still-lenient serving of justice fails to include the syllabus of other trespasses against you, including, first and foremost, your unwavering support for the Bush administration's unforgivable foreign policy -- a policy which has all but bankrupted our treasury and besmirched America's reputation abroad. Heckuva job, Senator!

One might be inclined to consider your conduct to date as somehow principled -- even mavericky, had it not been so transparently self-serving. Your behavior has been that of a man guided by nothing more than petty vengeance and retribution -- attention-starved opportunism not unlike grade-school instigators and gossip-mongers whose only path to relevance is to play two friends against each other. Worming your way from side to side depending on which kid or clique likes you more.

Now, I completely understand the political reasons for why President-elect Obama and the caucus ultimately chose to keep you around. Unfortunately, the Democrats need your stinky vote -- such as it is -- in order to theoretically break any future Republican filibusters. And there will be many of those to be sure. However, the closer we get to 60 votes in the caucus the better our chances of reversing the craptastical policies and legislation of your favorite Bush administration and the formerly Republican Congress.

Sure, there's no guarantee that you'll vote with the caucus, but you made it clear that you would have pitched a spasmodic, petulant fit and changed your affiliation to the Republican Party from the "Lieberman Loves Lieberman" party or whatever the hell it's called, had you been stripped of your chairmanship. Consequently, the Democratic caucus would've definitely lost your vote. It's an unenviable "possibly" versus "definitely" proposition. And with the caucus being this close to 60 against what will surely be an obstructionist Republican caucus, we have no other choice but to roll the dice with "possibly."

That is until 2010 when the Democrats will hopefully attain enough members, and thus votes, that they won't need your support anymore. Then you can storm off and mind-screw the Republicans for a couple of years until -- and it's probably not good strategy to tip our hand like this, but you know it's coming -- until you lose in 2012.

Nevertheless, you got what you wanted yesterday. Circumstances allowed you to keep your chairmanship irrespective of your weasely and contemptible maneuvering. And more than a few of us on the left actually agree with you for once: you managed to abscond off without adequate punishment.

You got away with it, despite those meddling kids, right?

Not so fast.

I submit to you, Senator Lieberman, that you were punished yesterday more than you realize. Stick with me on this. I'll explain.

I've been a supporter of the president-elect for the better part of a year now, and while I've always recognized a deep intellectualism and multilayered thoughtfulness in the man, it never fully occurred to me how he would use these strengths in a position of leadership. Until this week.

In sharp contrast to your behavior, President-elect Obama hasn't shown any predilection for pettiness or disloyalty, nor has he undermined his allies for the sake of political expedience. He's proved himself to be a man of great character. Of values. I don't need to remind anyone how he stood by Jeremiah Wright, for example, and at his own political peril when most would've tossed him overboard like political chum.

You, on the other hand, have shown an unapologetic contempt for the party that once nominated you for the vice presidency -- the party that welcomed you back to the fold even though you slipped through the system and defeated the fairly elected Democratic nominee, Ned Lamont, in 2006. You've betrayed your fellow liberals to settle a political score, Senator -- in order to exact some kind of ignoble payback against your former party, against your caucus and against the netroots for merely calling you out on your literal and figurative smooching of the president.

This is behavior President-elect Obama doesn't appear to be capable of. Because he's clearly better than you. In fact, it's not difficult to hypothesize that had you possessed a fraction of his political instincts or any small measure of his morality, you would absolutely not be in this position, Senator.

See, by allowing you to keep your precious chairmanship -- by letting you off the hook -- President-elect Obama, through his political bigness, punished you without punishing you. He beat you yesterday, Senator. He beat you because he let you be you, and underscored it with his demonstrably better angels and strength of character.

In the final analysis, the hard reality is that by not choosing retribution, he made you look...


And that, Senator, is good enough for me.


SNL Presidents

The mistake that SNL often makes -- and it's always less funny this way -- is to try too hard to nail a character. In other words, they sometimes slip into the trap of doing imitations rather than impressions. I would argue that this is also a broader issue with their sketches (just copying rather than satirizing -- there's a difference), but that's a post for another time and place.

For example, Armisen's Obama was too much of a forced imitation and not enough of an impression. The same with Hammond's McCain. But compare those to Jason Sudeikis' Joe Biden, which is an exaggeration -- a satire -- of Biden and, consequently, is much funnier than a carbon-copy imitation would be. It's the Chevy Chase as Ford Theory. Chase never bothered to wear makeup and he never tried to nail the Ford voice, but he defined President Ford. And it became a legendary character. [More after the jump...]

Another example: Will Ferrell's George W. Bush and Dana Carvey's Bush 41 are both impressions rather than straight imitations. Both were hilarious, and both have held up over time -- they're just as funny today as they were eight or 20 years ago. They were also effortless. Ferrell and Carvey literally expanded their impressions into what practically became stand-alone characters, as Chevy Chase did with Ford.

By shedding the pretense of nailing the look or the voice, those guys could emerse themselves in the characters and have fun with mannerisms and quirks that neither of the actual Bush presidents ever had. Carvey's spastic Bush 41 laugh and "nahhh-gahhh-dahh," for example. In fact, the real Bush 41 appeared on SNL and joked that he'd never once said, "Naahh-gah-dah." Which is true. Nevertheless, we'll always associate the real Bush 41 with "nah-gah-dah."

So it's not so important to find an actor who looks and sounds exactly like President-elect Obama. Instead, it seems to me that the hook is to find someone who's naturally funny, talented and charming -- first and foremost -- and who can do something with the character. In other words, there are a crapload of hoopleheads on YouTube who can do spot-on celebrity imitations, but they're also mostly unfunny and, frankly, kinda creepy to watch.

NO SEX, VIOLENCE OR STARS, YET #1: 'Twilight' Takes Biggest $35.7M Bite Out Of Box Office Friday; Bond #2, 'Bolt' #3

SATURDAY EARLY AM: First numbers show that Summit Entertainment's low cost blockbuster Twilight opened huge as expected because of heavy pre-sales with $35.7M Friday from 3,419 theaters, including $7M worth of Thursday midnight shows, for what should be $75M for its first North American weekend in release. Fangirls -- or should I say fang-girls -- were buying 5 Twilight tickets per second as of early Friday morning, making Twilight online ticket-seller Fandango's fastest-selling film since The Dark Knight last July. Then the tween and teen females in store bought or homemade Twilight clothes (and even Twilight tattoos) flocked to the first Big Screen version of Stephenie Meyer's bestselling series of Romeo & Juliet-style vampire romance books. Yet the movie adaptation was made by start-up studio Summit for only $37M. This will be the start of a big new franchise since a sequel is already in the works -- New Moon, based on Meyer's second book in the series. The first box office records have already been broken by Twilight's girl power. This is the biggest opening for a female director. Catherine Hardwicke is easily beating Mimi Leder's $41.1M for 1998's Deep Impact. (But with an asterisk since these figures aren't adjusted for inflation, ticket prices, etc.) Twilight will have the 2nd best opening day for a November release behind Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, and the 11th best Friday opening of all time, beating the first Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, and the 15th best opening day ever.

No. 2 was the new Bond pic Quantum Of Solace which was down 69% from its franchise record opening a week ago to earn $8.3M Friday from 3,458 venues. This could be another $28M weekend and new North American cume past $110M (in just 7 days time). Going into today, Daniel Craig's 2nd turn as 007 has made $335M worldwide.

Because Twilight played much younger than expected, "it's taking that extra bite right out of Bolt," according to one studio mogul. As a result, Disney's toon starring the voices of John Travolta and Miley Cyrus looked to debut Friday with only $6.5M from 3,651 runs and should yield just under $25 million for the weekend. That's $10M less than expected. So, on the Disney scale of animation pic successes, this is disappointing. Poor Bolt has been overshadowed by the phenomenon of the Twilight Zone. This family fare had the largest digital 3D release ever, opening at approximately 979 Digital 3D locations. Last Saturday, the studio sneaked the pic at around 880 theaters to build word of mouth.

DreamWorks Animation's toon sequel Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa distributed by Paramount came in No. 4 with $3.5M Friday from 4,007 dates for what should be a $15M weekend a fresh $136.4M cume. And Universal's raunchy R-rated comedy Role Models continues to surprise by outperforming: at #5, it took in $1.5M Friday from 2,733 plays for a possible $4.5M weekend a new cume of $45.3M.

It's worth mentioning that Oscar-touted Slumdog Millionaire expands into 32 venues. The Fox Searchlight pic opened last Wednesday on 10 screens and this Wednesday grossed +54% on the same 10 screens. As one studio insider told me, "That never happens. As a point of reference, even Juno last year didn’t do this." The pic's previous weekend was the best of 2008 for a specialized film with the highest per screen average of the year, beating Academy Award buzzed Changeling and Rachel At The Wedding.

It was another big weekend at the holiday box office for a total of at least $160M, up 5% over last year's.


SUN EXCLUSIVE: MICHAEL JACKSON has become a Muslim - and changed his name to Mikaeel.

The skint superstar, 50, donned Islamic garb to pledge allegiance to the Koran in a ceremony at a pal's mansion in Los Angeles, The Sun can reveal.

Jacko sat on the floor wearing a tiny hat after an Imam was summoned to officiate - days before the singer is due to appear at London's High Court where he is being sued by an Arab sheik.

A source told last night how Jacko, brought up as a Jehovah's Witness, decided to convert as he used a studio at the home of his chum to record a new album.

The star - whose hits include The Way You Make Me Feel - was spotted looking "a bit down" by a producer and a songwriter who had both embraced Islam.

Obama’s big guns

Barack Obama’s potential national security team is looking like a galaxy of high power big star talent. Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State. Retired General Jim Jones as National Security Advisor. Retired Admiral Dennis Blair is rumored to be on tap for Director of National Intelligence–one of a handful of military officers who did a high level tour of duty at the CIA.

And of course there is growing buzz that Obama will ask Bob Gates to stay on as as Secretary of Defense.

But how can all these high powered egos work together? The answer is Obama will want them to…so they will. First up; Gates. He has been pressing for months for the State Department to contribute personnel and billions of dollars in aid for Iraq and Afghanistan. AND he wants the next secretary of state to try again to get NATO allies to send more troops to Afghanistan. Hillary Clinton’s star power on the world stage may be the ticket to make that happen.

But the real power broker may be this man–retired Marine Corps four star General James Jones–a former Middle East advisor, and a man with decades of military experience. His job: make sure President Obama gets all the best advice–but also make sure–the team plays together nicely.

So what about two other key players: Admiral Mike Mullen chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and General David Petraeus, now head of Central Command and the currently serving four star overseas military operations in the Middle East. Both men are used to having a direct line to President Bush–everyone is watching to see if it will be the same rules of the road in the Obama White House.

Six Degrees Of Separation – The Report

Six Degrees of Separation. Isn’t it amazing how the choices we make can lead us on such unexpected journeys? That’s what happened to me with Six Degrees. Facebook is a kind of Internet-in-miniature, which makes it the ideal place to examine this idea. So, at midday on the 28th October I started up the group, and invited all my friends to join. By the end of that day less than twenty people had joined, and I thought I was going to have to go back to the drawing board. By Day 4 things were looking more promising: we were up to 200 people. It was on Day 5 when things really got going. When I logged on to Facebook I was amazed to discover that the numbers had more than doubled in just twenty-four hours.

A week later, I logged on and, when I saw the numbers had jumped from 3,000 to 30,000, thought my eyes were playing tricks. The following day was our first six figure day – 141,000 new members joined up. The next 16 days were a complete rollercoaster ride. Sixteen six-figure days in a row! This was completely unprecedented! At times we were adding members at a rate of 3 every single second. For six days we were averaging 220,000 new members a day.

Six Degrees -- membership

Day 13 was a real Red Letter Day. At 02:37 (UK time) we hit our first million. I remember sitting at my computer, hitting the Refresh button every few seconds and watching the numbers climbing ever closer to the magic million. When we finally got there the Wall suddenly flooded with messages of congratulations from all over the world – I hadn’t been the only one playing the Refresh game.

It was around this time I realised Six Degrees was more than just research for my new book. This was a truly international Internet phenomenon! Each day I was getting a load of emails from every corner of the globe. Most people just wanted to tell me how much they enjoyed the group; others had suggestions on how we could improve things. I read every single one... and did my best to reply to them all. I was touched that people took time out of their busy lives to write to me.

Six Degrees -- daily growth

Inevitably, there had to be a slowdown. There was no way that we could keep growing at a rate of almost a quarter of a million a day. The slowdown started on Day 18, shortly after we hit two million. Since then there has been a gradual tailing off of the numbers joining. However, like a snowball rolling down a mountain, we’ve had enough momentum to take us past both the three million and the four million mark! Absolutely incredible!

Six Degrees -- four million membersIt was never my intention to prove or disprove the Six Degrees theory – after all, I’m a writer not a scientist. I’m happy to accept that we’re all connected, and leave it up to people a lot cleverer than me to argue over the details. The idea behind Six Degrees Of Separation fascinates me – and judging by how many people joined the group, this is a fascination shared by millions of you across the globe.

Have I managed to contact every single person on Facebook? I like to think so, but unfortunately I have no way of knowing that for sure. The fact is that more than four million of you took the time to join, and that is nothing short of a miracle. As progress marches on, the world gets smaller. That’s inevitable. Whether we’re separated by six degrees or ten degrees or one degree isn’t important. What is important is the idea that we are connected.

All the best,