I must begin by explaining to you that my opinions on the movie can be taken as biased since I am absolutely and irrevocably in love with the actors and the book. * Long sentence, deep breath!*
Are you ready? I thought that the movie was an awesome introduction to the Twilight Saga. Most critiques argue that it was too slow in the begininng and that there were too many periods of awkward silence. Well, I thought that the whole ” awkward silence” projected a realistic attitude towards the knowledge that the guy Bella was crushing on was a vampire and so was his family.
I thought all the actors did a great job. Yet, Robert Pattinson NEEDS to practice how to talk like an American. There were some slip ups ( when he was talking to Rosalie in the hospital) where I could determine his british accent. Now, I understand that it must be hard for him to train his speech but if Ed Westwick could do it and Hugh Laurie could do it, then I am damn sure Robert can as well.
Many of you are also agaisnt the idea that Kristin Stewart played Isabella Swan. You need to MOVE ON. She did a very good job…probably because she has many attributes as Bella. And I don’t know why everyone wanted Amber Sabine or other nimwits to play Bella…they fail.
Anyone got the hots for Jasper Hale? Played by Jackson Rathbone..I thought he looked pretty amazing. Almost a James Franco. Oh and Ashley Greene, who played Alice Cullen did a magnificent job with her perky self. But enough with the analysis of the characters.
How hot was that kiss that Edward planted on Bella?! Except for the fact she was wearing underwear and not her “holey t-shirt” ( If you read the book, you’d know what I am speaking of.) I liked the relationship that Bella and Charlie had on-screen. I could feel how tense everything was…
I don’t want to give much away but the music, baseball game, fighting scenes were EPIC. And I DO RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE TO EVERYONE. Mostly women! This is NOT A MANLY MOVIE- unless you find yourself obsessed with Bella or Edward!
Enjoy! I sure as hell did.
This is about the Brad Pitt separation which I don't see on the site...I have one. MY sister in law was in an improv group with Lisa Kudrow pre friends who knows Jennifer Aniston who, of course was married to Mr. (Arm)Pitt. SO what's that..I think 4...
I have 2 Beatle ones...In 86 I was in switzerland and met Julian Lennon in a hotel lobby who is John's son...3?? My Aunt and Uncle are friends with Lawrence Juber (from going to see him play solo for years) who was in Wings, so that is 3 for Paul. Come to think of it since Julian knew all the Beatles then I am rocking on the degrees for the Fab four and that makes me one more from all the people THEY knew...FUN.
I loved the book! Thanks for the review. I look forward to the movie!
These comments are helpful. All you need to do is "reverse engineer it" from the most famous person you ever met and you stand a good chance of being 2, 3, 4 degrees from lots of well-known folks. For me, I've met directly Bill Clinton, Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, that bald fat dude from Mary Tyler Moore, Sammy Davis Jr. (guess all his contacts are dead), Steve Lawrence (him, too), Sonny Liston, Bob Hite (lead singer for Canned Heat). Somewhere in there, I'm probably 2 degrees from Linda Lovelace!!!
I concur, the "awkward silence" did project a realistic attitude, but I was only familiar with this particular vampiric behavior due to reading Kim Harrison's book, Dead Witch Walking. I loved the angst portrayed and definitely agree with the must see recommendation.
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