It’s extremely obvious MTV has died.
After the emotional ending of TRL, I realized: There is nothing related to music on MTV anymore. The only music I see is the random songs being featured right after an episode of a reality show. MTV should consider changing its name to RWS. Reality Whore Shows. Good-bye music. So long the music revolution of this generation.
All I have is my ipod now…and myspace.
yes, the video king of 80's hair bands is dead. but it didn't die with the advent of reality shows, which are threatening the survival of the sit com. it died when pop music died, about the time brittany showed her navel. the quality of today's music couldn't hold tiny tim's jock strap. if it's not some wanna be gangsta trying to rhyme words in which they don't know the meaning, it's some pre manufactured teenage balladeer whining about loves misfortunes. just stop it all ready! christina aguillara as a jazz artist? or some twenty somethings singing about slappin' somebody up?
I remember when MTV first came out, we were totally mesmerized by it! It is definitely NOT the same, and won't be ever again. It needs to get real and get raw AGAIN!
MTV died when most of the music promoted was manufactured and polished product of pop princesses. Not real, hungry, struggling, not-polished musicians with a message.
Sex sells first.
I have been saying that for years! Thank you so much for writing about it. It is really sad actually! Music Television is for music....I am ok with the occasional reality show,I will admit I like them, but really do we really care who Tila Tequila is going to date or does anyone really want to hear Tyra Banks say you are on your way to becoming America's Next Top Model. VH1 needs to get a clue as well, they are just as bad. Where do they get off educating youth on voting when in one second they are doing documentaries on the importance of voting and then the next show is idiots trying to be Paris Hiltons BFFy....how can anybody take them as serious when they are promoting the epitomy of trashy americans who should not even have a right to vote. I am not sure why they even have programmers for the station. They must have recieved a degree from the University of SUCK!!! What happened to good MTV Television Shows like Remote Control and music videos. It is really sad when you learn more about new artists by watching One Tree Hill than from a cable station whose original mission was to play MUSIC!!! Video definitley killed the radio star and MTV is killing the music video! Time Warner should have dropped them when they had the chance!!!
If anybody ever wants to do our video cable station, let me know.
....and your reality shows are boring and repetitve and sending the wrong message to American teens!
MTV died a long time ago. Then along came VH1 to give us music videos. Now they too have given up on videos. MTV was awesome when it first came out. There are still songs today that when I hear them, I automatically picture the video in my head. Like Raspberry Beret...Shout by Tears for Fears...Smokin in the Boys Room...and on and on. There needs to be a music video revival! With real musicians. Not that pop crap!
MTV died so long ago and it was a sad thing---I gave up on it in the 90s, moved over to VH1 for a bit and then just gave up completely. I turned to CMT for a while--despite not being a country fan and they were actually playing videos---good ones too, not just soft porn in my face. Now I simply download what I want--and I agree, part of the iPod's huge success is no doubt for the same reason. We LIKE music videos and that's what I'm going to have. Trashy reality TV and slutty videos (and you wonder why our girls look like little whores and think it's the norm?) finally ran me off TV altogether. I can do without cable (and the ridiculous prices) altogether. Gimme the internet, Netflix and iTunes--it's all I need to get something actually worth watching.
If it has taken you this long to see the end of MTV as a video music channel, then you've been keeping your head under a rock for quite some time.
The End began with 'The Real World' and the other cheap, easily produced 'reality' based programs that were slathered and forced down the nation's throats like unwanted oral-based prison rape sequences on the psyche. Why, for God's sake, would 'reality programming' EVER be included on the air for MTV? Simply put, it's cheap, it's easy to program the audience into giving a shit about some twentysomething who gets to live rent-free in a space your monthly salary couldn't cover a night on the couch with, and allow the public to watch these headcases self-implode vicariously?
And all for pennies over budget - with MASSIVE returns if people watch just the commercials.
Bad enough music itself went downhill after the Disneytization of the airwaves (Brittany, Christina, and any American Idolist witha recording contract)...
Let's face it: You want real music, go check out a jam band at your local indie club. You want music television? Break out the old VCR cuts you have with the ORIGINAL MTV VJs (a term which hasn't been used on that channel in over 5 years) like Martha Quinn, Adam Curry, Fab Five Freddy...
Yeah, I'm Old School MTV - where the only time music wasn't being played it was either Remote Control or Beavis & Butthead.ux
I have been saying the same thing for a few years now! Pathetic...just pathetic...They had a good thing and they let it DIE! Most of the reality shows SUCK too...Can't personally see anything resembling reality there...It's a sad sad world we live in when music takes a fall...
I want my...MTV! ...Money for nothing...and chicks for...well, who are we kidding? Most hos make it well known just how "free" they are. (Teeheehee!) I guess we all can just kiss MOST things worth having goodbye. I can't believe that there aren't enough of us video lovers (and "just plain good music lovers) to keep a video channel, not only up and running, but BOOMING with success. ***SIGHS***
I wish I were ignorant enough to care about Paris Hilton's new bff of the week (or day, or minute) and whomever the crap Tila Tequila is, or is dating. Wow if I could be so dumb...I could enjoy those channels again! ...*Sigh again*
'They'(the adults from while I was growing up) were right...
IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!! I miss that bliss! ...lol!
Ya know, yeah, I was a little upset, for about two seconds, that Milli Vanilli lied about who they were...but two seconds after I found out, I was saying, "I don't care who it is, they sound awesome!" I'm a fan of those voices!...I still am! I could'nt care less what those people look like, but someone in "show business" decided that they were just too unpolished or just not fake enough for us to enjoy. The people that make those kinds of decisions are the murderers of music...in my opinion.
It's a shame, really.
Thanks for reading!
YGTBFKM - MTV died in 1983.
I have no idea what the age demographic of the original poster or responders is. I do know this. I personally witnessed the birth, rock-star life, rape and subsequent death of this iconic, avante garde, and, before 1980, inconceivable television channel.
For those readers who do not remember MTV before Beavis and Butthead, I pity you. For those who do, I mourn for your loss. I think "Bye,bye Miss American Pie" would be an appropriate epitaph for MTV.
MTV Died YEARS perhaps over a Decade ago.
When it first started it was about music. Music Videos.
Then when they started the Shows instead of the Music Videos..
IT died...
I have not watched MTV for YEARS.
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