Saturday, November 22, 2008

An Open Letter To Joe Lieberman

Dear Senator Lieberman,

Congratulations! You got away with it! So despite having supported and endorsed the Republican candidate for president -- and going so far as to question the patriotism of the Democratic nominee -- you've managed to keep your chairmanship. By rights, you should've been summarily ejector-seated from your committees, bonked on the head with your gavels -- cartoon-style -- and hauled from the Democratic caucus naked and on a rail whilst being pelted with wadded-up copies of your RNC address.

The aforementioned reasons for this still-lenient serving of justice fails to include the syllabus of other trespasses against you, including, first and foremost, your unwavering support for the Bush administration's unforgivable foreign policy -- a policy which has all but bankrupted our treasury and besmirched America's reputation abroad. Heckuva job, Senator!

One might be inclined to consider your conduct to date as somehow principled -- even mavericky, had it not been so transparently self-serving. Your behavior has been that of a man guided by nothing more than petty vengeance and retribution -- attention-starved opportunism not unlike grade-school instigators and gossip-mongers whose only path to relevance is to play two friends against each other. Worming your way from side to side depending on which kid or clique likes you more.

Now, I completely understand the political reasons for why President-elect Obama and the caucus ultimately chose to keep you around. Unfortunately, the Democrats need your stinky vote -- such as it is -- in order to theoretically break any future Republican filibusters. And there will be many of those to be sure. However, the closer we get to 60 votes in the caucus the better our chances of reversing the craptastical policies and legislation of your favorite Bush administration and the formerly Republican Congress.

Sure, there's no guarantee that you'll vote with the caucus, but you made it clear that you would have pitched a spasmodic, petulant fit and changed your affiliation to the Republican Party from the "Lieberman Loves Lieberman" party or whatever the hell it's called, had you been stripped of your chairmanship. Consequently, the Democratic caucus would've definitely lost your vote. It's an unenviable "possibly" versus "definitely" proposition. And with the caucus being this close to 60 against what will surely be an obstructionist Republican caucus, we have no other choice but to roll the dice with "possibly."

That is until 2010 when the Democrats will hopefully attain enough members, and thus votes, that they won't need your support anymore. Then you can storm off and mind-screw the Republicans for a couple of years until -- and it's probably not good strategy to tip our hand like this, but you know it's coming -- until you lose in 2012.

Nevertheless, you got what you wanted yesterday. Circumstances allowed you to keep your chairmanship irrespective of your weasely and contemptible maneuvering. And more than a few of us on the left actually agree with you for once: you managed to abscond off without adequate punishment.

You got away with it, despite those meddling kids, right?

Not so fast.

I submit to you, Senator Lieberman, that you were punished yesterday more than you realize. Stick with me on this. I'll explain.

I've been a supporter of the president-elect for the better part of a year now, and while I've always recognized a deep intellectualism and multilayered thoughtfulness in the man, it never fully occurred to me how he would use these strengths in a position of leadership. Until this week.

In sharp contrast to your behavior, President-elect Obama hasn't shown any predilection for pettiness or disloyalty, nor has he undermined his allies for the sake of political expedience. He's proved himself to be a man of great character. Of values. I don't need to remind anyone how he stood by Jeremiah Wright, for example, and at his own political peril when most would've tossed him overboard like political chum.

You, on the other hand, have shown an unapologetic contempt for the party that once nominated you for the vice presidency -- the party that welcomed you back to the fold even though you slipped through the system and defeated the fairly elected Democratic nominee, Ned Lamont, in 2006. You've betrayed your fellow liberals to settle a political score, Senator -- in order to exact some kind of ignoble payback against your former party, against your caucus and against the netroots for merely calling you out on your literal and figurative smooching of the president.

This is behavior President-elect Obama doesn't appear to be capable of. Because he's clearly better than you. In fact, it's not difficult to hypothesize that had you possessed a fraction of his political instincts or any small measure of his morality, you would absolutely not be in this position, Senator.

See, by allowing you to keep your precious chairmanship -- by letting you off the hook -- President-elect Obama, through his political bigness, punished you without punishing you. He beat you yesterday, Senator. He beat you because he let you be you, and underscored it with his demonstrably better angels and strength of character.

In the final analysis, the hard reality is that by not choosing retribution, he made you look...


And that, Senator, is good enough for me.



Anonymous said...

Good to see freedom of speech and association is alive and well in the democratic party. Its because of members like you I felt the need to leave the party.

Independance said...

Give me a break, I guess blind allegiance to the "Democratic" party is any better than the last 8 years of blind allegiance to the "Republican" party....that proves out the difference between both parties...NONE!!

I respect and admire Lieberman's allegiance to his friend and it proves a greater regard for important things than a lousy political party like the Democrats...who by the way are just as implicit in this mess that we are in as the Bush Admin...Let's call it what it is... Franks and Dodd did a great job overseeing banks and good a job as Bush did.

I voted for and supported Obama, not because I felt he was MUCH better than McCain, but because I felt it was time to try something new. McCain went too far right...Obama went to the middle. Had McCain stuck to his guns and picked Lieberman as VP it might have gone the other way.

Take your head out of your party's you-know-what and start looking at ALL of the issues we are facing. Neither democrats nor republicans are going to solve our country's woes....We need AMERICANS working together towards the good of the country NOT any political party.

Joe Lieberman has proven over and over that his principals are worth more than a party...that's the right direction we need to move in.

Bigg Robb said...

you idiot, senator Lieberman is an independent- not a dem-oh-crat...he had to leave the socialist/communist dem's behind when he finally realized they want to destroy America

GPT said...

Unbelievably articulate and well put. By virtue of inaction, I agree that Obama insidiously punished Lil' Lieberman in the most effective way possible. That Hussein...does a body (of government) good. God bless 'em! And free speech! By far, the most important thing I garnered from your blog is the word "craptastical". I will use it frequently this week in hopes that it quietly sinks into my every day vernacular! Thanks!

Robster61 said...

Senator Lieberman is an Independent now, NOT a Democrat. Good for him for sticking to his course and values after his Democratic party stuck it in him and broke it off.

USNA Ancient said...

BEAUTIFULLY SAID ! As a former Republican ... even precinct chair for a couple of years ... [back in the days when that was a respectable thing to be 40s-60s] before the far-right evangelical "amerikan taliban" and neocons took control, I believe Independentsprinciple come before party. However, joseph lieberman cannot use that argument to justify his political choices at least since his petulant reaction to losing the Democratic primary in 2006, his unwavering support of geo. dubyous shrub and co. [aka the Pinocchio and Gepetto Show] regarding of its invasion of Iraq, and his disgusting defense and ass kissing of irreverend hagee [which as a Jew -albeit a secular one- I find particularly nauseating]. Just as soon as there is a foolproof Senate majority of at least 61, including respectable Independents, mr. lieberman should be left to twist ever so slowly in the wind ... assuming he makes it to 2012. 'Til then let him be the whiney, unrespected pariah that he is and deserves to be. Insofar as the rebubbacans commenting here, simply consider the source ... they -like their landsman lieberman are wandering in the wilderness, a small [in every sense of that word] regional party resembling more and more the dixiecrats of 1948 That plus their continuing obstructionism in the face of a National economic meltdown may well be the wooden stake that finally does in the blood-sucking vampire.

Unknown said...

I really have a problem with all the subterfuge - everyone hiding behind some unimportant issue that keeps the real issue from being placed on the table for a real discussion: which is: Does America want to throw out the Constitution and become a socialist-democratic nation as the Old World has become; or do we remain a nation "under God" with liberty and justice for all. Except justice, too, was thrown out the window on the wings of liberal "fairness." With the exception of "justice", where is the real heart-to-heart without all the theatric name calling concerning our future state? said...

After the wonderful treatment Joe Lieberman received at the hands of the DNC(anybody notice the "I" for independant that now follows his name) trying to supplant him although his incredible popularity carried him to victory against the misled dem's, you freaking idiot, you question his loyalty. I will have to add, Joe happens to care a lot more for his country than the "party" and we could use a lot more like him, so before you disparage the man, look into yourself and at what your candidate has done so far, and tell me straight faced he wasn't right! You make me freakin' sick.

blountscreek3 said...

You are so RIGHT ON, it's unbelievable. What ever happened to the constitution. The democrats and OBAMA are trampling on it and ruining this country. Socialism any one? We are not a democracy, but a republic. Don't believe me? Here's a link you need to follow and watch this video.

Unknown said...

How ignorant! I cannot believe how brainwashed you are! Joe Lieberman takes his beliefs seriously and doesn't compromise, a true independent. Thats what this country needs more independents.Because the Democrats are really scary and the Republicans are jut lost.

The Spartan said...

It really is a religion for democraps, isn't it?

I don't hear you crying about Colin Powell voting on the race card.

It was a racist election. Non-whites voted race. Guilty whites voted race.

I voted qualifications. I sorely want a black president, but not one who will disgrace his race for generations to come.

USNA Ancient said...

It is pathetic, albeit amusing at the same time to see those rushing to the defense of joe lieberman decry the loss of freedom and abuse of the Constitution now when it was lieberman and his rebubbacan/wing-nut evangelical cronies who foisted the abomination of the "patriot" act on use and assisted geo. dubyous shrub and darth vader dick [in every sense of the word] chaney in other violations of the Constitution, laws, and international treaties. boo hoo, you bunch of losers.