Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sarah Palin Turkey Incident: Does TV Interview While Turkeys Are Slaughtered In The Background (VIDEO)

Some videos you just have to see to believe. On Thursday, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin appeared in Wasilla in order to pardon a local turkey in anticipation of Thanksgiving. This proved to be a slightly absurd but ultimately unremarkable event. But what came next was positively surreal. After the pardon Palin proceeded to do an interview with a local TV station while the turkeys were being SLAUGHTERED in the background!! Seemingly oblivious to the gruesomeness going on over her shoulder, she carries on talking for over three minutes. Watch the video below to see for yourself. Be warned, it's kind of gruesome.


windborn said...

How absurdly oblivious can this woman be? I am so thankful that she did not win so that my brother and I did not have to move to B.C. ...
Of course, British Columbia is a lovely place. Perhaps later...

Unknown said...

How upsetting. She is an idiot. Thank God most American's figured that out in time.

magiccook said...

What's the big deal? We all eat Turkey? Someone has to kill them. I don't get liberals at all! They make an issue out of nothing. Thank God she was vindicated from all the lies that were spread to ruin her.

Mae said...

You know, I understand that maybe it wasn't exactly a pleasant background for an interview. However, how in the heck do you people figure that the turkey that you eat at Thanksgiving and probably Christmas too, gets on your table to begin with? Hint...hint. Guess what? Somebody has to kill it first! Geez.

diannem said...

People are so far removed from reality. If you eat meat, it has to be killed by someone. DUH! She is so over herself she doesn't care what you all think.

In the pioneering days all individuals would have to hunt, pluck and dismember in order to survive. They were always thankful for the hard work people put into their feasts!

Go work hard and see how you feel.

MrsGreenThumb said...

I wonder if Sarah Palin knows what a run on sentence is? She just keeps blithering away. I don't know if she ever considers the consequences of what she says or does. I'm with windborn and Gretchen.

Android606 said...

Interviewer: "Are you aware of any state programs that are on the chopping block?"


Trudy said...

In all the comments, I didn't once see anyone make the quite obvious connection of her message and the activities happening in the background. Perhaps she was trying to appeal to all the bleeding hearts (forgive the 'bleeding' expression Mr. Turkey) to help her in her cause. I applaud you Sarah and am looking forward to another vote in 2012!

Unknown said...

So, do you eat your turkey live? How do you think the turkey in the little plastic deli package got there? What does one have to do with the other?
Libs live in their own little idyllic world. I wish you had your own planet.

SJ Hollist said...

Guess What, that's the way most people have to live in this world. Us "Civilized" people are so isolated and naive sometimes, it astounds me. Try living in South America for a year or two and see how many people you run into slaughtering chickens so have something to eat that day.

Unknown said...

Why don't people get a life! Of course turkeys are slaughtered. The people complaining about this are linking this with Sarah Palin. What gives with that? I will bet that most of the complainers love to eat turkey. As far as Palin is concerned, I see no relationship to turkey slaughtering and her. It's a weird ideology that desperately seeks to link the two. As for 'windborn' moving to BC, maybe that's a better place for such a person. As far as Palin being an idiot, as Gretchen the intellectual as opined, as distasteful as I find Palin's ideology, from everything I can tell, she did a good job running the state, cleaned out a lot of corrupted politicians, took on the corruption in her own party, and won. Presidential candidate? No way, but why don't all these sickies lay off of her?